The practice of connecting to spiritual wisdom for the purpose of healing one’s self and the community. Comparable to figures like ‘the oracle’, ‘sorcerers’ and ‘medicine men/women’, a shaman is seen as a sort of ‘bridge’ between the physical plain and the higher, spiritual realms. Many shamans will communicate with ‘shamanic spirits’ to aid a client in healing or to help a lost soul transition safely to the afterlife.
Centre of Excellence

“I believe the whole earth is going through something of a shamanic initiation at present, as we teeter on the edge of survival. The work we are undertaking will hopefully plant seeds to assist in the rebirth back to a more harmonious existence between the human and natural world. When we are spiritually connected to nature and recognise the deep symbiotic relationship we have with our Mother Earth, then we naturally wish to care for the planet, and in doing so, we learn also to care for ourselves.”
Jez Hughes – Second Sight Healing
What is a Shaman?
Though shamanism is now practised all over the world, many people point to the herding tribes of Mongolia as the birthplace of this ancient practice. In these tribes, the shaman was considered to be one of the most influential and revered members. They were the ‘wise man/woman’…the ‘sage’ who had access to a whole host of powers. These powerful men and women were (and still are) able to perform miraculous feats for their tribespeople, including controlling the weather, communicating with animals for hunting purposes and healing illness.
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Foundation Courses in Classical Shamanism
The Sacred Trust Foundation Courses offer a comprehensive and detailed tutoring in the foundations of classical shamanism, exploring the underlying principles & applications, methodologies & praxes found cross-culturally. These workshops and trainings cover both introductory and advanced teaching events, from weekend workshops to two-week intensive trainings and are generally considered to be the foremost trainings of their kind.
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Transform Yourself and Heal the World
The Four Winds Society offers the world’s most thorough training in Shamanic Energy Medicine combined with cutting-edge practices in nutrition, biology and neuroscience.
Over the past 25 years, we have trained and mentored more than 10,000 students from all walks of life – scientists, construction workers, nurses, doctors, psychologists, massage therapists, and others – to dream a new world into being.
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Shamanic Initiation, Training & Healing
Dedicated to the renewal of old ways of being, in harmony with ourselves, nature and spirit.
Our vision is to take inspiration from indigenous shamanic practices and make them relevant to the land and time in which we reside, for the healing of individuals, to bring balance to our communities and our relationship to the earth.
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