Tarot & Oracle Cards - getting started...
Choosing your first sets of cards carefully is important. If you’re not sure what to look for, here’s a starter’s guide.

So here goes, i'm no expert but observe the following about the decks I have chosen to make part of my spiritual routine and why I like them...

The Good Tarot
Colette Baron-Reid
I love The Good Tarot. It’s very easy to love…
The artwork is as beautiful as the messages, i’m a very visual person so I appreciate the level of detail invested to communicating the sentiment of the message pictorially.
I like that the cards reflect the major and minor arcana of traditional tarot, so self-reflection is available but the messages are delivered in a kind, gentle and nurturing way. This deck also does not read in the reverse, so when you are feeling a bit fragile, The Good Tarot provides a kind, gentle approach to seeking out the messages you need to hear.
Find out more @ https://www.hayhouse.co.uk/good-tarot-card-deck

The Light Seer's Tarot
Chris Anne
As honest and upfront as traditional tarot, these cards don’t mess about in telling you what you need to hear. The illustrations are stunning and tell you everything you need to know.
The guidebook (an absolute must – always check the version you are buying includes the guidebook) doesn’t linger on the shadow (reverse) aspects, but get’s straight to the point and sets a simple, positive affirmation for each card too – this is very helpful in helping you understand what change is required, and what lies at the ‘heart of the matter’
Find out more @ https://lightseerstarot.com

The Rumi Oracle
Alana Fairchild
The Rumi Oracle offers an ‘Invitation to the Heart of the Divine’. Rumi speaks a sacred language that we understand with our hearts rather than our minds. He knows the heart is the gateway to divine union and he doesn’t want you to play small this lifetime.
I tend to pull just one card from this deck daily – you can’t do so without being transformed by the unconditional love and message in some way.
Find out more @ https://alanafairchild.com/product/rumi-oracle/

The Akashic Tarot
Sandra Anne Taylor, Sharon Anne Klingler
If you’re interested in your Akashic records, your evolutionary journey and insight about your current situations and challenges, there is no deck more startlingly acurate or insightful than The Akashic Tarot. You are encouraged to bring the card to life through visualisation and it’s pretty mind blowing to be honest. If nothing else, this deck will leave you with much to think about in the days following a reading. And then don’t be too surprised when you pull the same cards time after time! The message is the message, right?
Find out more @ https://www.hayhouse.co.uk/the-akashic-tarot-card-deck

The Angels and Ancestors Oracle
Kyle Gray
I feel my Angels and Ancestors alongside me, i’m thankful for their presence and I trust their guide. I love this deck, and in particular the past-life reading featured in the guidebook. Like The Akashic Tarot, this deck provides your intuition and ‘knowing’ with a gateway to the knowledge and wisdom held in your ancestry and will help to guide you in walking your path with faith and confidence that you’re never alone.
Your angels are always with you, helping you and guiding you, you are encouraged to seek their help on any matter. Ask for the help you need.